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Album: By 7:30
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Durch das erscheinen dieses Albums machte sich Vonda einen Namen bei vielen führenden Musikproduzenten. Es überstieg mal wieder alle Erwartungen um Löngen. "By 7:30" weißt eine Unzahl von wunderschönen Songs auf. Viele von ihnen sind auch auf neueren Platten von Vonda zu hören wie z.B. "Confetti", "This Is Crazy Now", "Baby Don't You Break My Heart Slow" und "You & Me".
Dieser Sampler bringt neuen Schwung. Man merkt das Vonda nicht nur wunderschöne Songtexte hat , sondern das man zu ihren Songs auch wunderschön Tanzen kann.
Erscheinungsdatum: 04/1999
By 7:30
i have been lost in this verbal rain
i went to bed feeling no pain
i was drowning baby you're my wine
you're my thoughts you're my silence
you're my sense of time
by 7 30 you'll fall in love with me
do you believe in destiny
i believe by 7 30
maybe your love's an uncrackable code
or maybe your love is a railroad
that you ride when you are all alone
and you speed down the tracks
to what you call home
by 7 30 you'll fall in love with me
do you believe in destiny
i believe by 7 30
quite unsubtle these thoughts
you send me
or is it i who sends them unreceived
and they fly through the air
at enormous speed
like a boomerang flying back at me
by 7 30 you'll fall in love with me
so you believe in destiny
i believe by 7 30
i went to bed feeling no pain
i was drowning baby you're my wine
you're my thoughts you're my silence
you're my sense of time
by 7 30 you'll fall in love with me
do you believe in destiny
i believe by 7 30
maybe your love's an uncrackable code
or maybe your love is a railroad
that you ride when you are all alone
and you speed down the tracks
to what you call home
by 7 30 you'll fall in love with me
do you believe in destiny
i believe by 7 30
quite unsubtle these thoughts
you send me
or is it i who sends them unreceived
and they fly through the air
at enormous speed
like a boomerang flying back at me
by 7 30 you'll fall in love with me
so you believe in destiny
i believe by 7 30