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Album: Chinatown

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Erscheinungsdatum: 11/2002


My Whole World
My whole world is built on this
To dream about your love
And to live inside your kiss
Well how can I manage to live like this?

Is my fate how finally turning
My favourite kind of yearning
Oh don't it always go to show

My whole world is built on this
A philosophy of how to stay
In a state of bliss
How can I manage to live like this?

I was born in '63
With a peace sign on my knee
I said "Mama I was born to sing"
And I rocked till the dawn
With my baby clothes on
I said "Mama tell me what to think"?

I love you in a different way
Well you let me be myself
And I love it that way
Freedom freedom has a new meaning
Hey hey hey

My whole world comes down to this
To live in inspiration
Without checking off a list
Can anybody manage to live like this

Well music is my life
And love it is my drive
On my shoulders I don't feel no weight
Now I'm dreaming again
And exaggerating
Can you save me long enough to behave?

I love you in a different way
Well you let me myself
And I love it this way
Freedom freedom has a new meaning
Hey hey hey

I love you in a different way
Well you let me be myself
And I love it this way
Freedom freedom has a new meaning
Hey hey hey