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Album: It's Good, Eve
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"It's Good Eve" ist ein Album was keinen echten Vonda Shepard Fan fehlen sollte. Dieser Sampler gilt als absoluter Geheimtipp, und lässt Fan-Herzen höher schlagen. Doch diese Platte ist natürlich nichts nur für Fans. Mit kritischen Songs wie z.B. "Naivetè" zeigt diese Platte eine ganz andere Art von Songs, wie wir sie von Vonda Shepard gar nicht gewohnt sind. Jedes Lied im einzelnen auf diesem Album bietet für jeden Geschmack was. Ein Coversong "Serius Richard" ist auch dabei. Songs wie "Maryland", "Every Now And Then" und "This Steady Train" lassen tiefe Blicke in die Seele Von Vonda Shepard einsehen.
Ansonsten einfach eines der besten Alben von Vonda Shepard. Man kann sagen das beste Solo-Album von ihr.
Erscheinungsdatum: 01/1996
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Above all things there must be love
And following your deepest soul
You look like you need some fun
I'm dying to sail into the sun
Dreamers ask what've I become
I can see that shoreline star
Pulling me to worlds so far
Taking me and pulling hard
Away from judgment's own backyard
Away from judgment's own backyard
Why should I change for anyone?
Why should my chains break or come undone?
And I'll sing glory hallelujah I'm coming home
Baby don't rescue me, don't rescue me
'Cause I'm gonna be what I'm gonna be
Do you hear my melodies?
Do you hear my Van Gogh's cry?
Will it be my brother's purchase?
Even only when I die? Even only when I die
Why should I change for anyone?
Why should my chains break or come undone?
And I'll sing glory hallelujah I'm coming home
Baby don't rescue me, don't rescue me
'Cause I'm gonna be what I'm gonna be
I been up and down, I been all around
In the sky and baby on the ground
High as the sun, deep as the sea
Rain has been falling all over me
I wanna live in harmony
I know what I need to be free
Baby, please don't rescue me 'cause I'm gonna be...
And following your deepest soul
You look like you need some fun
I'm dying to sail into the sun
Dreamers ask what've I become
I can see that shoreline star
Pulling me to worlds so far
Taking me and pulling hard
Away from judgment's own backyard
Away from judgment's own backyard
Why should I change for anyone?
Why should my chains break or come undone?
And I'll sing glory hallelujah I'm coming home
Baby don't rescue me, don't rescue me
'Cause I'm gonna be what I'm gonna be
Do you hear my melodies?
Do you hear my Van Gogh's cry?
Will it be my brother's purchase?
Even only when I die? Even only when I die
Why should I change for anyone?
Why should my chains break or come undone?
And I'll sing glory hallelujah I'm coming home
Baby don't rescue me, don't rescue me
'Cause I'm gonna be what I'm gonna be
I been up and down, I been all around
In the sky and baby on the ground
High as the sun, deep as the sea
Rain has been falling all over me
I wanna live in harmony
I know what I need to be free
Baby, please don't rescue me 'cause I'm gonna be...