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Album: The Best of Ally Mcbeal feat. Vonda Shepard
Enthaltene Titel:
- You Belong To Me
- The Wildest Times of the World
- Tell Him
- Sweet Inspiration
- Searchin' My Soul
- Maryland
- It's In His Kiss
- I Only Want To Be With You
- I Know Better
- Hooked On A Feeling
- Chances Are - Vonda Shepard and Robert Downey Jr
- Baby, Don't You Break My Heart Slow
- Something About You
- Home Again (Live)
weitere Informationen:
Bei "The Best of Ally Mcbeal Feat. Vonda Shepard" handelt es sich um eine zusammenstellung von den vermeidlich besten Songs von Vonda Shepard, die in Verbindung mit der Serien "Ally McBeal" stehen.
Erscheinungsdatum: 10/2009
It's In His Kiss (It's in his kiss)
does he love me
i wanna know
how can i tell if he loves me so
is it in his eyes oh no
you'll be deceived
is it in his eyes oh no
he'll make believe
if you wanna know
if he loves you so
it's in his kiss
or is it in his face oh no
it's just his charm
in his warm embrace oh no
that's just his arms
if you wanna know
if he loves you so
it's in his kiss
kiss him and squeeze him tight
and find out what you wanna know
if it's love if it really is
it's there in his kiss
about the way he acts oh no
that's not the way
and you're not listening
to all that i say
if you wanna know
if hw loves you so
it's in his kiss
i wanna know
how can i tell if he loves me so
is it in his eyes oh no
you'll be deceived
is it in his eyes oh no
he'll make believe
if you wanna know
if he loves you so
it's in his kiss
or is it in his face oh no
it's just his charm
in his warm embrace oh no
that's just his arms
if you wanna know
if he loves you so
it's in his kiss
kiss him and squeeze him tight
and find out what you wanna know
if it's love if it really is
it's there in his kiss
about the way he acts oh no
that's not the way
and you're not listening
to all that i say
if you wanna know
if hw loves you so
it's in his kiss