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Album: Vonda Shepard

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Das gleichnamige Album von Vonda Shepard befasst sich mit den Themen der Liebe , des Lebens und den Träumen der Menschen. Ein wundeschönes Album für lange Abende. Wer nicht nur auf die Melodie und das Titelblatt achtet, sondern sich auch mal die Songtexte dieses Albums anschaut wird schnell feststellen das es sich bei diesen Album um etwas ganz besonderes handelt. Es ist nicht nur was für echte Fans sondern etwas für jeden Musikliebhaber. Und jeden der es gerne mal Romantisch mag.
Erscheinungsdatum: 08/1989


He ain't with me
Calling all these other guys
I'm seeing something i didn't before
is that a new look in your eyes
now you don't believe that i'm asking for more

Isaw you walking down the street
with another girl who looks just like me
People always say we look so happy
he took my love but he didn't take me


He ain't with me he ain't with me
he says he loves me but he don't look in my eyes
but i'll take it 'till it's all gone 'cause
he ain't with me but at least i'm not alone

you say you laughed with your old girlfriend
you're doing nothing to encourage the end
i could be charming on long distance too
and if you want i'll make it easier for you

communication is the key
interrogation don't work for me
you saw that other guy smiling at me
if you were here i wouldn't act so free


he ain't with me he ain't with me
he says he loves me but he don't look in my eyes
he likes to hold my hand in public
stranger can't you see he ain't with me
he ain't with me he ain't with me no more
he ain't with me he ain't with me

i guess fate really has my number every
time you wander away i reconsider all
the time you said you'd stay


he ain't with me he ain't with me
he ain't with me no more
he likes to hold my hand in public
he ain't with me he ain't with me
but i'll take it 'till it's all gone 'cause
he ain't with me but at least i'm not alone
he ain't with me
