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Album: Vonda Shepard

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Das gleichnamige Album von Vonda Shepard befasst sich mit den Themen der Liebe , des Lebens und den Träumen der Menschen. Ein wundeschönes Album für lange Abende. Wer nicht nur auf die Melodie und das Titelblatt achtet, sondern sich auch mal die Songtexte dieses Albums anschaut wird schnell feststellen das es sich bei diesen Album um etwas ganz besonderes handelt. Es ist nicht nur was für echte Fans sondern etwas für jeden Musikliebhaber. Und jeden der es gerne mal Romantisch mag.
Released: 08/1989


Don't cry Ilene
He had his father's eyes
and his mother's point of view
There was no disguise he couldn't see through
Sometimes the little things
they don't seem so small
but they had a good thing overall


Nobody Nobody Nobody Nobody
knew him the way you did
It's hard to say exactly why he left you
maybe a change for good
Don't cry Ilene

There was a rainbow over here
he didn't see it from over there
Black and white are fine but he's color blind
watching over me
there must have been some kind of mystery
Because i wanted him too
But it was all wrong all wrong


Nobody Nobody Nobody Nobody
knew him the way you did
It's hard to say exactly why he left you
maybe a change for good
Don't cry Ilene

Nobody Nobody Nobody Nobody
knew him the way you did
It's hard to say exactly why he left you
maybe a change for good
Don't cry Ilene no don't cry
It's hard to say exactly why he left you
maybe a change for good
Don't cry Ilene oh no don't cry